If the article is correct, I could be arrested under International anti-terrorism laws.
The claim fingers Chabad as an extremist Jewish movement, looking to establish a new Temple in Jerusalem. Zahi Nujidat, of the Islamic movement, notes that a three-week course on the Beis Hamikdash being held at Chabad centers worldwide indicates the movement’s intentions to destroy Al Aqsa to make way for a Jewish Temple.
I guess they’re not wrong. We do yearn for our Temple to be rebuilt. We do study about it at this time of the year, because this is when we recall the Temple’s destruction- and when we are most hopeful for its restoration.
But, we don’t wish harm on anyone in the process; we’ve never attacked people in the name of religion.
We see our Temple as a source of peace for the whole world. Praying and hoping for its rebuilding means dreaming of a better world- for all.
Our Temple will reverberate with prayer-calls, but these will be voices of blessing, peace and goodwill for all people.
The Talmud notes that, if the nations of the world had appreciated how much blessing the Jewish Temple brought them, they would have sent their armies to Jerusalem- to protect it.
Terrorism may be threatened by our Bais Hamikdash, but upstanding citizens around the world have everything to gain when it is restored.
May it happen speedily!
This is extremely creepy... in light of recent news. Here, everyone assumed Chabad in India was chosen for being Jewish/mentschy/etc... but it seems to be much more specific - they were chosen for being Chabad! Why does almost everyone persist in not seeing that terrorists THINK (in their twisted way) and plan their crimes purposefully.
Hi Leora
Good point! I do think, though, that Chabad was targetted because they wanted the entire Jewish world to feel the hit and Chabad touches the full spectrum of Judaism (as you can tell from the worldwide Jewish response).
So, the terrorists' research and planning was quite advanced.
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