The elderly miser, Morris Levenberg lay deathly ill. A pale Mrs.
Levenberg waved Rabbi Bruchman into the hospital room, mumbling that the
doctors these days knew nothing about medicine. Mrs. M described how the
specialist assigned to her husband had proposed that the only thing that would
cure the old scrooge would be to get him to perspire.
Raising the room temperature and covering him in woolen
blankets had done nothing. Even her piping hot chicken soup had left him
frigid. The rabbi approached Morrie, asked after his health and then
recommended that he commit to give some charity to curry some Divine favour. Levenberg nodded
and, for the first time in his life, offered the rabbi a donation of R5000 for
the Shul.
"Actually," the rabbi said, "I thought that
a man of your means should offer R500 000, after all in merit of the Tzedokah,
you will be healed, please G-d".
Old Man Levenberg blanched and muttered that he would consider
R18 000. The rabbi was ready to settle on R450 000. Morrie replied with a
whopping R36 000, which the rabbi countered with a R360 000 settlement. After a
long pause, Morris Levenberg mustered up an offer of R50 000. But the rabbi
would hear of nothing less than R250 000. The room was still, save for the
wheezing of a desperate Morris L.
"Ok, rabbi!" he yelled, "Ok, I'm shvitzing
already, I'm shvitzing!"
Many people feel uncomfortable about forcing others to behave in
a certain way. Your kids are one thing; you're required as a parent to instill
the right values in them, even when they recoil and tantrum over it. But, other
thinking adults? Surely, we should allow them the space to explore and research
and arrive on their own at decisions that they feel comfortable with.
Yet, Chabadniks hustle Jews on the street to put on Tefillin and
host farbrengens, where a person may "shvitz" under the laser-focus
of a rabbi who tries to push them for an extra minyan, a new mitzvah or a Torah
class commitment. And people often feel uncomfortable with it.
Well, the idea of pressuring people for commitment to G-d was
not invented by Chabad. It's as old as Judaism itself. Abraham, founder of
the Jewish people, did it too.
Avraham and Sarah used to run a free motel/ deli in the scorching
desert. Parched wayfarers would regularly drop in at their spot for a meal and
some shade. Having eaten, they would call for the bill and Avraham would
instead give them a quick shiur on G-d. Then he would ask his customers to say
a blessing to thank G-d for the food they had just eaten. If they refused or
claimed that they had their own belief system, he would present them with a
bill that would quickly have them shvitzing. Needless to say, everyone blessed
So, you have to wonder what the point of it all was. Surely, if
these travelers only blessed Hashem to get out paying top dollar for their meal,
their praise wasn't particularly genuine.
Avraham had a unique way of looking at people. He didn't see
them as hypocrites who just muttered a formula so they could save money.
He believed that every person intrinsically knows that G-d runs the world.
But, people get caught up in the ego of their own achievements and sometimes
lose sight of what is really important. They forget that they need to
invest in their souls, not only in fame and a bank balance. Avraham
sensed that the only reason people don't automatically
acknowledge G-d is because they have gained layers of insensitivity,
causes by too much investment in self.
He appreciated that the best remedy for people's self-absorbed view
is to make them shvitz. Make someone feel uncomfortable and they quickly
shift perspective. Avraham knew that G-d could rattle people's confidence and
realign their priorities through illness, financial difficulty or family strife.
Avraham also knew that he could shortcut the process by
making people squirm in his dining room instead of in a hospital ward
or bank manager's office. So he turned the screws, made them uneasy
and forced them to see a healthier perspective of their own world.
The Torah doesn't record how many of Avraham's guests later thanked
him for having redirected them to a more meaningful life. But, I know a few who
have "shvitzed" at a farbrengen and come to say thank you
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